If helping patients can be achieved by answering their questions, your website's content structure needs additional information.
If you engage your visitor by addressing their questions first (problems/conditions) and then linking them to your solutions (services), you will fulfil both your visitor’s needs and your outcomes more successfully.
80% of searchers start with their symptom, pain point or preliminary diagnosis - this should be considered the entry point for many patients and an important part of their journey. Pain points can be seen as terms like: shoulder pain, crooked smile, blood in urine, etc.
Some questions we need an understanding of are:
The website content structure should be clear and easy for visitors and Google to crawl. By helping answer patients' questions Google helps searchers find you.
Below is a partial content structure, we would like your feedback.
Link to Website: https://www.perthmigrainespecialist.com.au/
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