If your web design outcome is to help generate more patients, build credibility, improve efficiency, reinforce patient or referrer information, or engage a broader audience with great content, WE CAN HELP.
Regardless of what type of medical practice you are, it always best practice to start with your defined outcomes first. Once we have a clear understanding your website's purpose our team will start the create the structure, message, design, and content to suit.
This initial step summarises our discussions and is designed to clearly define the projects purpose, what will happen and when.
This step includes:
Deliverable: Understanding of Your Needs (Day 2)
Milestone: Client Agreement
A website site map is a representation of the pages to be included on a website, the menu and navigation structure, and how the pages link
A Sitemap defines the Website's Focus and Scope of Content Work
Deliverable: Content Checklists (within 48 hours of Design Brief)
Milestone: Content Briefs Posted to Client
Other Services
Other Concurrent or Related Services can include:
First impressions count. More than 85% of your prospective patients will visit your website before they pick up the phone. What your patients find online can reinforce or undermine your message.
Your website design is as important as your consulting room’s design. It should reflect who you are and your level of professionalism.
If your design does not support your message and engage with your target, they will bounce. No engagement means no telephone call. The website design process commences immediately after Sitemap Approval
The initial design can be based on a detailed brief or result from an initial conversation and shared design ideas. Regardless, within a week of the sitemap acceptance our design team typically submit an initial website design.
From this initial design, our design team require your feedback in order to progress to the next iteration. Website design process, and can take a number reviews based on client feedback.
During the website design meeting we ask questions around the look and feel of the website. We solicit your ideas and seek feedback on our suggestions in order to create a design brief.
The "Website Design Brief" process is conducted either online or in person.
This step includes:
Deliverable: Design Brief (within 24 hours of Design Meeting)
Milestone: Design Brief Posted to Design Team
The Design Process can take a number of iterations and requires client feedback. Often, after the initial design is submitted the client has further inputs and clearer ideas can crystallise.
Re-submissions should focus on not only layout and framework but audience usability and engagement.
Prior to Design Acceptance changes in colour, layout, elements can be changed based on the client feedback.
Before we progress to the next stage of the development process we need to achieve the Design Acceptance Milestone.
Reaching Design Approval means the acceptance of the website design as presented.
Deliverable: Acceptable Design (client dependant)
Milestone: Design Acceptance
Our approach is to offer personal responsive service with a focus on creativity. Our offer applies strategy and content to help our clients help more patients.
When the Sitemap and Navigation for the content is established a accepted, we start to create the content.
We create the content using our Content Methodology
Content Topics covered include:
The content is drafted and added to the website and our clients are invited to review and edit the content before approval
Other elements such as images, and forms can also be proffered at this stage of the development process.
Deliverable: Draft Content to Client (3 Weeks)
Content Acceptance
The Website Development Step requires little further client input, until the site is presented for assessment and checks
The Client is ask for any final inputs, notably to the content, but also we often have to wait for photos and other details.
Deliverable: Pre Live Website URL (3 weeks)
Milestone: Draft Website
This is a critical stage and can take over 100 steps, many of these steps are summarised here - GO LIVE PROCESS
The process can be considerably more complicated depending on whether the website is new or a replacement website. Replacement websites can require more effort in creating redirects and links so the prior website's SEO rank is not destroyed.
During this Step we require Final Approval for the Pre Live Website including design and content acceptance. To take your new website live the team:
If the website is a redesign, it is important to immediately map and 301 redirect all old website URLs to their new equivalent pages.
Normally, this process takes 24-48 hours to propagate over the web. For details view our SEO Go Live Checklist page
Deliverable: Live Website URL (client dependant)
Website Live
Once the new Website is propagated the SEO Team perform the following tasks:
For details view our Post Live Support and Submissions page
This process can take upto a month and involves hundreds of small and large steps and stages.
Deliverable: Visibility via the search engines
Because your practice online can take many forms and perform many functions, we offer a range of website design and solutions.
This means you can find a solution that best suits your practice needs today with the ability to grow with your practice over time.
With a Custom Website you will gain online visibility and move towards becoming an authority website. This website allows you to target a broader range of competitive keyword searches.
Custom Design
Custom Design, Based on Client Reference Site, Designer Customised Colour
Website Content
Imagery & Edits
If not supplied or in our library we will:
Integrate Standard Forms
Supplied Content
Claim a FREE Expert Consultation
Conduct a Preliminary Sitemap & Plan
We Design, Build & Support your Website
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