Medical Reputation Marketing

Lets Add a Review Page

By adding your Google Reviews to your website you help patients see what your happy patients think about you.

Cost of Review Page

This service isfreefor clients  -SEE LIVE SAMPLE PAGE

Why Google Reviews

Google reviews add to your practice credibility. Patients will generally consider Google Reviews as a credible source of third person commentary.

The more reviews (quantity) adds significant value for your practice's marketing value and SEO visibility.


Display Formats

We offer three display formats for your Google Reviews these are:

  • Simple Review Summary Slider
  • Home Page Review Slider
  • Full Page Review List- for internal pages

Review Features

The reviews allow you to:

  • Filter reviews with less that four or five stars
  • Exclude images
  • Limit number to be supplied
  • Set as sliders
  • Change colours to match your website

Add a Review Page

For supported clients this service is free, but to add a Review page we need access to your Google My Business account login credentials.

Verified Google My Business access:

  • Your Google Maps and
  • Your Google Review citations (LEARN HOW)

Layout Advice -advise the following

  • Where you want the review content added (new page, exisiting page)
  • What format required (as above)
  • What colours required
  • Level of Reviews to be displayed (by Stars, Comments)

No Google Maps Access?

Claim your Google Map citationLEARN HOWor by:

Step 1  - Claim The Business

Step 2 - Manage & Verify Account

Reputation Marketing for Doctors

The best medical websites don't always belong to the best doctors, sometimes they belong to the best marketers.

Garnering Google Reviews and other reviews for doctors has become important.

Why are Google Reviews Important?

There are probably three good reasons why doctors need more great reviews.

  • Insurance- To insure against the possibility that someone will post a negative review for you. With no positive reviews this single negative review can badly impact your patient engagement and appointments. We could tell you some stories to back this up.
  • Credibility- Simply put many patients engage more and believe in what other patients say. Every patient Googles you and what they see can improve your chances that a patient will call you. Social proof drives human behaviour for many.
  • Google Ranking- As part of Google quality score and algorithm your standing with clients comes into play. We have seen this first hand with traffic numbers through client analytics.

How to Attract More Google Reviews?

To build your review numbers takes two easy steps.

Step 1: Create a System

If you have a system that makes it easy for:

  1. Doctors to ask happy patients to post a Google review, and
  2. Patients to take action

You have a system that works. We create a

  1. Happy Card to Hand to happy patients, and
  2. Review Page linked to your Google Review page

When the patient goes to your website review page and clicks on the link they are auto-magically taken directly to your review page. Simple

Both examples of a Happy Card and a Happy page are as illustrated

Step 2: Take Action

Step Two involves the doctor simply handing a happy card to happy patients.

While not every or even most patients will take action, if you ask enough patients in the right fashion reviews will follow.

Often happy patients are relieved as in many cases they feel liberated from obligations to buy you a thank you gift of spend time and money arranging a Thank You card or flowers.

If you find this useful

You can visit our hiddenreview pageand share your favourable comments.

NB: Only people with a Google account (gmail, youtube or other) can post Google reviews.

Request A Review Page

Reputation Repair Required?

Learn what can be done to remove negative reviews

Visit Reputation Repair Page
Please check as well the14 Ways to Attract More Referrals.

Reputation Marketing Guide for Doctors

Please download these free guides to help you build and grow your practice.

These summaries will help you get started on some progressive design and marketing activities for your medical practice.

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