By adding your Google Reviews to your website you help patients see what your happy patients think about you.
This service isfreefor clients -SEE LIVE SAMPLE PAGE
Google reviews add to your practice credibility. Patients will generally consider Google Reviews as a credible source of third person commentary.
The more reviews (quantity) adds significant value for your practice's marketing value and SEO visibility.
We offer three display formats for your Google Reviews these are:
The reviews allow you to:
For supported clients this service is free, but to add a Review page we need access to your Google My Business account login credentials.
Layout Advice -advise the following
Claim your Google Map citationLEARN HOWor by:
Step 1 - Claim The Business
Step 2 - Manage & Verify Account
The best medical websites don't always belong to the best doctors, sometimes they belong to the best marketers.
Garnering Google Reviews and other reviews for doctors has become important.
There are probably three good reasons why doctors need more great reviews.
If you have a system that makes it easy for:
You have a system that works. We create a
When the patient goes to your website review page and clicks on the link they are auto-magically taken directly to your review page. Simple
Both examples of a Happy Card and a Happy page are as illustrated
Step Two involves the doctor simply handing a happy card to happy patients.
While not every or even most patients will take action, if you ask enough patients in the right fashion reviews will follow.
Often happy patients are relieved as in many cases they feel liberated from obligations to buy you a thank you gift of spend time and money arranging a Thank You card or flowers.
You can visit our hiddenreview pageand share your favourable comments.
NB: Only people with a Google account (gmail, youtube or other) can post Google reviews.
Learn what can be done to remove negative reviews
These summaries will help you get started on some progressive design and marketing activities for your medical practice.
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